An email will be sent to agents once there is CAT event in your area and your policies are affected by the CAT event. Multiple CAT events may be available under the same report.  


This report is available only for Agency Admins, Accounting, and Principal users like the BoB report.


Go to ‘Manage Your Agency’ on home page.



On the AMS page, scroll down to ‘Reports’ sections and click on ‘Dynamic Reports’.



This opens a new window CSE Tableau Reports with a drop down ‘Select a Report’.



Select ‘CAT monitoring for Agents – CAT Monitoring’ report.


This displays report with one row per policy, with the policy attributes required for CAT monitoring.


To download this report, you can click on download option on the bottom of the screen.



This opens a pop up to select the file format for the download. You can select the required file format for the download and proceed to continue.