Agents can now  schedule and receive SPInn Task notification emails from their SPInn inbox. To schedule these tasks, please login to to SPInn with valid credentials. 

After logging in, under actions click on 'Email Notifications' under the Actions.

Under Email Notification tab, add your email address under Subscriber Delivery Method List  by clicking on Add Delivery Method. 

The delivery method is defaulted to Email, click on 'Select'

Enter your email address and click on 'Add'.  The email address gets added under your Delivery Method. 

You can add multiple email address and you can Edit/Delete the delivery preference at anytime. 

Once you have added the email/emails, you can schedule your tasks to be delivered to your email address. To schedule the emails, select the task by clicking on the check box and then select the schedule and the email address you would like to receive the notifications. 

Click on Save. 

You are now enrolled to receive the email notifications for the selected tasks. You receive the task notification as shown below: